[영어문법 ] 비분리구동사(타동사적) Inseparable Phrasal verbs (Transitive)
타동사적 비분리 구동사 몇개안된다. 생활에 필요하니 외우자.
비분리동사구란? 동사와 부사는 항상 붙어있다.
즉, 아래 예시문구처럼 떨어질수 업다고!!
look after a baby (o)
look a baby after (x)
★ 비분리동사구/ 의미/ -문장 예시 순
1. call on / ask to recite in class [(이름을 불러서)<학생>에게 시키다)]
- The teacher called on students in the back row
2. call on (2) / visit [방문하다]
- The old minister continued to call on his sick parishioners.
3. get over / recover from sickness or disappiontment. [(질병, 충격 등에서) 회복<극복>하다.]
- I got over the flu, but I don't know if I'll ever get over my broken heart.
4. go over / review [~을 점검(검토)하다]
- The students went over the material before the exam. They should have gone over it twice.
5. go through / use up; consume [~을 다쓰다, 소진하다]
- They country went throungh most of its coal reserves in one year. Did he go through all his money already?
6. look after / take care of [~을 돌보다]
- My mother promised to look after my dog while I was gone.
7. look into / investigate [조사하다]
- The police will look into the possibilities of embezzlement.
8. run across / find by chance [우연히 만나다]
- I ran across my old roommate at the college reunion.
* 우연하게 정보를 찾았거나 사물을 마주쳤을 때는 run across를 씁니다.
9. run into / meet [우연히 만나다]
- Carlos ran into his English professor in the hallway.
* 우연히 아는 사람과 마주쳤을때, 이 때 run into를 씁니다. run into 다음에는 사람이 옵니다.
10 take after / resemble [닮다]
- My second son seems to take after his mother.
11. wait on / serve [시중을 들다, 모시다]
- It seems strange to see my old boss wait on tables.
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