[폴리선생의 영어문법] 조동사의 종류 및 사용법
1. 조동사의 종류
do, can, may, must, will, shall, ought to
1) do
① 의문문 Do you know his name?
② 부정문 I don't like you.
③ 강조 I do study.
2) can ( = be able to V )
① ~할 수 있다 I can do it.
② must의 반대 He can't be a spy.
3) could
① can의 과거 He could walk well before the accident.
② 추측 (현재 or 미래) I'm not sure, but I think I could do it.
4) may
① 허가 May I go home now?
② 추측 It may rain tomorrow. Dinner might be served by robots.
③ 소망 May God bless you.
④ may의 과거형 They thought that he might be a crimminal.
5) must ( = have to V )
① ~해야 한다 You must obey our king.
② 추측 He must be a spy. ( ↔ He can't be a spy. )
6) will ( be going to V)
① ~일 것이다 It will rain tomorrow.
~할 것이다 I will go to church this Sunday.
② 습관 A bear will not touch a dead body. (보통 ~한다)
③ 고집 The door will not open. (문이 열리지 않는다)
7) would
① 제안 Would you close the door?
② 추측 (현재 or 미래) Camping at the river? That would be fun.
③ 과거의 불규칙적인 일 He would often visited me.
④ 고집 He would not help me. (그는 나를 도우려 하지 않았다)
⑤ will의 과거형 He said that the baby would be called John.
8) shall
① ~할까요 Shall we dance?
② ~하도록 하겠다 You shall pay me back the money. (화자의 의지)
9) should
① ~해야만 한다 You should do your best. (= ought to)
② 요구, 제안, 주장의 동사 다음에 (ask, suggest, insist, request..)
He insisted that we (should) go earlier next morning.
I suggest that we (should) study this text book.
2. 혼동되는 용법 비교
* 이 부분은 뉘앙스만 알고 넘어가도록 한다. 절대 암기하지 말자
1) 추측
must > would > should > can > could > may > might
확실 <--- ---> 불확실
He must be right. (그가 옳은 것이 틀림없다) -> 확실
He would be right.
He should be right.
He could be right.
He may be right.
He might be right. (그가 옳지 지도 모른다) -> 불확실
2) 의무
must > have to > should > ought to
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