The name of the father is Rocky Mountain
Father is a rocky name of Mount Sindong. When the father is in a good mood,
He is a laughing smile when he is scared.
The father is not as good as his sons and daughters as he expected.
On the surface, "It's okay, it's okay." But,
He is a very angry person.
The father 's heart is made of glass that has been made to shame.
So it breaks well, but the inside does not look well.
He is a sad man because he has no place to cry.
The place where the father wakes up at breakfast table and goes out (work)
It is not just a place for fun.
The father goes out to fight the dragon with three heads.
It's fatigue, endless work, stress from your boss.
The father says, "Am I doing my father's job properly?
I am really a father. "
When the father married his child ...
It is a person who shows a smile on his face while crying infinitely.
When my son and daughter come back late at night ...
My mother is worried about ten times,
My father looks at the doorway ten times.
The best proud of your father is when your children receive praise from others.
There is a proverb that my father feels most worried about.
It says "The best lesson is to set a hands-on example" ...
While his father always taught his children a plausible lesson,
Because he does not really set an example,
I'm sorry about this.
I also have a complex that I do not know
The father takes a double attitude very quickly.
The reason is "I want my sons and daughters to resemble me"
"I would not be like me."
The impression of the father varies with age.
However, no matter how old you are now,
Do not think that your present thoughts about your father are final.
The father's impression, which generally varies with age,
At 4 years old - Dad can do anything.
At 7 years old - Dad has a lot to know.
At age 8 - who is the higher of the father and the teacher?
At 12 years old - Dad does not know much.
14 years old. - My father? Is there a generation gap?
At age 25 - I understand my father, but the older generation has gone.
At the age of 30 - my father's opinion is true.
At the age of 40 - Honey! Before we decide on this, let us hear from the father.
At fifty - Your father was a great man.
At the age of 60 - If your father was alive, he would have been advised ...
My father is still after his death.
That word is a reminder.
A father is a person who wants to see him only after his death.
My father is never indifferent.
It seems that the father seems indifferent,
It's a combination of pride and sorry.
It is not easy to express the mind.
Father 's laughter is twice as thick as mother' s laughter.
The crying will be about ten times.
Sons and daughters have little income from their father.
Although I am dissatisfied with the fact that my father 's status is not high,
My father cries with such a heart.
My father must be an adult at home
When you meet a close friend or a person with a heart, you become a boy.
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