전도를 위한 기도문 / Prayer For Evangelism
Prayer For Evangelism
1) Dear Lord, we give You thanks for saving us through Jesus.
2) We are so grateful for Your everlasting love and grace towards us.
3) Help us to have compassiion for the lost and passion to reach them, and share the love of
4) May we not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, and have courage to step out in faith
and share the gospel.
5) We pray that You will open the hearts and ears of those who do not know You, so that
they can hear the gospel and believe in Jesus Christ.
6) Holy Spirit, guide us to know how to answer everyone with Your wisdom.
Prayer For Vision
1) Lord, You told us that the people perish when there is no vision.
2) I want to have visions and dreams in my life but I am not sure about what I want in life.
3) I know You have a plan for my life even before I existed.
4) You are the only one who knows the desires of my heart and the purpose for which I was
5) Lord, give us the desires of my heart. Help me to have bigger dreams in my life.
There are no impossible dreams with Your help.
6) Thank you for guiding me to have a larger vision and helping me to make my dreams come true.
'미션(Mission) > 각국 언어 기도' 카테고리의 다른 글
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