제 4 장 조동사 |
1. can(과거형은 could)의 용법
1. 『가능』 용법 (=be able to(do) : ~할 수 있다)
He can speak English.
(=He is able to speak English.)
He could swim like a fish.
I can not understand the meaning.
2. 『허가』 용법 (~해도 좋다)
Can I go out? - Yes, you can. ······(허가)
No, you cannot. ·······(금지)
3. 『강한 부정 추측』 용법
cannot →~일 리가 없다 cannot have + p.p →~이었을 리가 없다 |
It cannot be true.
It cannot have been true.
2. may(과거형은 might)의 용법
1. 『허가』 용법(~해도 좋다)
May I go out? - Yes, you may. ······(허가)
No, you must not. ······(금지)
2. 『추측』 용법(~일지도 모른다)
may →~일지도 모른다 may have + p.p →~이었을지도 모른다 |
It may be true.
It may have been true.
3. 기원문을 만드는 may
① may를 쓰고, ② 『May + S + 본동사』의 어순이 되고, ③ 문장이 끝에 !.
May he live long!
4. may well~ (~하는 것은 당연하다)
You may well be proud of your son.
You may well say so.
5. May as well ~ (~하는 것이 더 낫다)
You may as well go home at once.
(=You had better go home at once)
3. must(have to)의 용법
1. 『의무』 용법(반드시 ~해야 한다)
You must get up early tomorrow.
= You have to get up early tomorrow.
Must I do it? - Yes, you must.
No, you don't have to.
No, you need not.
2. 『추측』 용법(~임에 틀림없다)
must →~임에 틀림없다 must have + p.p →~이었음에 틀림없다 |
It must be true.
It must have been true.
★ 『추측』의 must의 반대는 cannot(~일리 없다)이다.
The rumor must be false.
↔The rumor cannot be false.
★ 반대공식
May 허가 (~해도 좋다) ↔ Must not(~해서는 안된다) 추측 (~일지도 모른다) ↔ may not (~아닐지도 모른다) |
Can 허가 (~해도 좋다) ↔ cannot (~해서는 안된다) |
Must 의무(반드시 ~해야 한다) ↔ needn't, don't have to (~할 필요가 없다) 추측(~임에 틀림없다) ↔ cannot (~일리 없다) |
4. will, would의 용법
1. will
(1) 단순미래로서의 will (~일 것이다) - 인칭에 관계없이 모두 will을 쓴다.
I will rain tomorrow.
He will come here tomorrow.
(2) 의지미래로서의 will (~하겠다)
I will do my best.
The door will not open. (not 붙으면 거부용법)
This wood will not burn.
(3) 상대방의 의사를 묻는 will(~하겠습니까?)
Will you have a drink?
(4) 현재의 습관 (~하곤 하다)
He will often sit there for hours.
2. would
(1) 과거의 습관 (곧잘 ~하곤 했다)
He would often go fishing last year.
(2) 소망 용법 (~하고 싶다 : wish to)
If you would succeed, you must work hard.
I would like to buy a new car.
Would you like to have tea with me?
5. shall, should의 용법
1. shall
(1) 『shall I~?』(제가 ~할까요?)
Shall I open the window?
- Yes, please.(Yes, thank you.)
No, thank you.
(2) 『shall we~?』(우리가 ~할까요? 즉, Let's와 비슷)
Shall we play tennis?
- Yes, let's.(All right.)
No, let's not.
What time shall we meet?
- Let's meet at six.
2. should
(1) 『당연』 용법 (=ought to : 마땅히 ~을 해야 한다)
Should → 마땅히 ~해야 한다. Should have + p.p → 마땅히 ~을 했어야 했는데··· |
You should obey your parents.
We should keep our promise.
You should have obeyed your parents. (유감조동사)
(2) 『명령』, 『주장』, 『제안』, 『충고』를 나타내는
동사 다음의 that절 속에는 should를 쓴다.
He ordered that they (should) do it at once.
He insisted that I (should) take exercise.
She suggested that we (should) go on a picnic.
The doctor advised that I (should) take a rest.
(3) lest ~ should ···· (for fear ~ should··· 하지 않도록)
He made haste leat he should miss the train.
6. ought to의 용법
1. 『당연』 용법 (마땅히 ~해야 한다)
You ought to obey your parents.
You ought not to break your promise. (부정은 ought not to)
Ought he to do it? - Yes, he ought (to). (의문문은 ought + S + to ~?)
7. used to의 용법
1. 과거의 규칙적인 습관 (늘 ~하곤 했다)
He used to go to church on Sunday.
* on Sunday : 일요일에
on Sundays : 일요일마다
2. 과거 일정 상태의 계속(과거 한때 ~한 적이 있었다)
He used to live here but now he lives in Seoul.
8. need(~할 필요가 있다)의 용법
1. 『긍정문』 → 본동사
He needs to go there.
2. 『의문문』 · 『부정문』 → 조동사
Need he do it? (조동사이므로 needs가 아니다)
He need not do it. (조동사이므로 needs가 아니다)
need not → ~할 필요가 없다. need not have + p.p → ~할 필요가 없었는데, 그렇게 해서 유감이다. |
9. do의 용법
1. 일반 동사의 부정문 · 의문문을 만들 때
- do(does, did)를 쓴다.
Do you like it?
- No, I don't (like it).
2. 대동사(代動詞) do
- 동사의 중복을 피하기 위하여 Do을 쓴다. 이 때에 Do는 그 동사의 목적어,
보어 그 전체를 받는다.
Do you like apples?
- Yes, I do. (=like apples).
Who broke the vase?
- I did (=broke the vase).
3. 강조의 do
I do love you. (긍정문에서의 동사 강조)
Do be quit. (명령문에서 동사 강조)
10. had better의 용법
1. 『~하는 것이 더 낫다』
You had better do it at once.
You had better have gone there at once. (유감조동사)
2. 『had better의 부정어』 → 『had better not』
You had better not do it.
★ 유감조동사 공식
Should have + p.p → 마땅히 ~을 했어야 했는데··· ought to have + p.p → 마땅히 ~을 했어야 했는데··· need not have + p.p → ~할 필요가 없었는데··· had better have + p.p → ~하는 것이 더 나았는데··· |
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